Kimberley is a wife, mother of two boys and an avid athlete. At Mom on Top she writes about sports, health, fashion and lifestyle. Kimberley has tested and reviewed the anti-aging collagen complex, the multi-effect eye cream and the retinol serum from RevitalTrax for her blog.
She writes, "I have been using these products for a while now and feel that my skin is more radiant and my budding crow's feet are starting to fade!"

"Het anti-aging collagen complex vind ik een heel bijzonder product, want dit gebruik je niet aan de buitenkant van je lichaam, maar aan de binnenkant. Wat jou uiteindelijk wel aan de buitenkant verjongt natuurlijk. Ik drink dit door de limonade heen. Het heeft zelf geen bijsmaak, dus je kunt het prima drinken door de drank die jij het liefst drinkt."
"I think the anti-aging collagen complex is a very special product, because you do not use this on the outside of your body, but on the inside. What ultimately rejuvenates you on the outside, of course. I drink this through the lemonade. has no aftertaste itself, so you can drink it just fine by the drink you prefer."
"I really love eye cream and this eye cream comes in a pretty big bottle so you can take it for a very long time. The Multi-Effect Eye Cream reduces dark circles under your eyes and puffiness. It hydrates the skin around your eyes and reduces crow's feet. Deliciously fresh, when you apply it in the morning you immediately feel that your eyes are refreshed and you are immediately awake. Highly recommended!"
Order the Anti-Aging Collagen Complex